Executive Summary
This review of CERF funding to the Philippines assesses the added value of the CERF and its performance against the indicators of the CERF’s Performance and Accountability Framework (PAF) and addresses key questions in the Terms of Reference. This report is based on interviews with the acting Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator (RC/HC), previous RC/HC, CERF-recipient agencies, international and national non-governmental organisations (NGOs), government representatives and aid recipients in Manila, Cagayan de Oro, Iligan and Cotabato. Interviews took place from 2 to 13 July 2012 with follow-up interviews by telephone. The report also draws on visits to project sites, a document review, and funding information from the CERF secretariat and participating agencies. Building on the Philippines case study for the CERF Five-Year Evaluation, this review focuses on four CERF allocations to the Philippines in 2011-2012.
CERF Funding to the Philippines
In 2011, the CERF provided two allocations from the Rapid Response window in response to floods in central Mindanao (July) and to Tropical Storm Sendong (December). The CERF has also made an allocation from the Under-Funded Emergencies (UFE) window each year since 2010 for the protracted conflict-related crisis in central Mindanao. Although the CERF has tended to make relative small allocations of $3-5 million to the Philippines, according to the Financial Tracking Service (FTS), it has been one of the three top humanitarian donors to the country each year since 2006.